GSA and ESSP, with the collaboration of The Norwegian Coastal Administration and Hurtigruten Cruises, have carried out a GNSS data collection campaign of 10 days along the Norwegian coast with a trajectory through Trondheim to Kirkenes and Kirkenes to Bergen. The aim of this data campaign is to assess EGNOS performance at user level in the maritime domain at high latitudes in Europe.
A preliminary assessment of EGNOS was done using some commercial receivers and a software receiver in line with the SBAS guidelines. Results show that the vessel is receiving EGNOS differential messages from at least one of the GEO satellites used by EGNOS to broadcast the SBAS messages. The accuracy performance, that is, the difference between the PVT solution and the true path computed using PPP algorithms, shows that Horizontal Navigation Solution Error (HNSE) is lower than 1 meter during the 95 % of the time. These availability and accuracy results indicate that SBAS performance is widely compliant with the requirements defined in the IMO Resolution A.1046 (27) for general navigation.
GSA and ESSP offer the opportunity to reproduce this GNSS data collection in any of GNSS maritime receiver with SBAS capability free of charge. The objective of this proposal is to compare the performances of current GNSS receivers with those obtained by a receiver (software receiver) aligned with the SBAS Guidelines developed in the RTCM SC-104 SBAS WG and to support receiver manufactures for the implementation of SBAS guidelines in their products. If you are a receiver manufacturer interested in reproducing these data, please contact the EGNOS Helpdesk at helpdesk@egnos.gsc-europa.eu or submitting a request form.
PVT: Position Velocity Time
PPP: Precise Point Positioning
RTCM SC-104 SBAS WG: Working Group dealing with SBAS within the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services, Specific Committee 104
IMO: International Maritime Organization