
EGNOS contributes substantially to the maritime sector and already supports navigation and positioning applications both at sea and on inland waterways. All passenger ships and cargo ships with gross tonnage of more than 500 tonnes are regulated and rely heavily on GNSS for navigation, and GNSS systems for maritime navigation are widespread across commercial and recreational vessels.

Nowadays, c.a. 75% of shipborne receiver models are EGNOS-enabled.

EGNOS contributes as well to monitoring operations and traffic when the Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment is using SBAS corrections.

EGNOS may also contribute to the final stage of search and rescue operations by providing a more precise location, especially when the beacon also include AIS capability.



  • More accurate, reliable and safer navigation.

Search and Rescue

  • More precise alert localisation for the final rescue phase.

Vessel Traffic Control

  • Enhanced precision of Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems.