Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Austria, GlobeAir was the first mover in the Air Taxi sector in Europe and it is currently one of the fastest growing private jet charter operators.
They operate a homogeneous fleet of 14 Citation Mustang jets and are certified for landing in more than 1,200 airports across Europe, which provides them with competitive charter flights solutions to modern executive travelers.
Back in 2015, and given the increasing number of LPV publications at their most frequent destinations, GlobeAir soon realised the potential of this technology for their daily operations. They then decided to pursue the necessary airworthiness certification and operational approval.
Samule Cortesi, Head of Flight Operations at that time, commented that “When we started to work on it, Austrocontrol had planned a few workshops in order to train personnel in their team. It was a subject completely new for our Authority as well. We retrieved the necessary evidences and documentation information, as well as guidance from other authorities like France and the UK, during 3 to 4 months. Afterward, the approval process itself was, fortunately, very fast, as no findings were reported.”
GlobeAir had to provide appropriate training to the crew both theoretical and practical, which was carried out in a simulator or in dedicated training flights. Finally, they received the operational approval for LPV before the end of that year.
From May to October 2016, GlobeAir has carried out over 2,300 flights to 125 different European destinations with published LPV or LPV-200 procedures, which accounted for over half of their flights during this period. Another 103 additional GlobeIAir destinations, representing 35% of their remaining traffic, have announced plans to implement LPV in the short term too. So, in practice, GlobeAir will be able to use their LPV functionality in the majority (i.e. 85%) of their regular flights.