EGNOS is reaching the impressive 70 EGNOS WORKING AGREEMENTS established with Air Navigation Service Providers
EGNOS continues to grow unstoppable among Air Navigation Service Providers that have already adhered to the EGNOS WORKING AGREEMENT to support their activities and thus complementing their ground approach systems with those of the satellite, implementing EGNOS based operations at specific aerodromes.
Within the framework of the European Union Space Program, -EGNOS-, that improve GPS positioning and integrity, continues to increase its penetration in the aerospace market, especially in areas such as the Scandinavian Peninsula and in colliding areas such as the Balkans.
“With more than 600 EGNOS enabled approaches today and increasing avionics offer on board, EGNOS is becoming mainstream. EGNOS approaches will be available to all instrument runway ends by 2024 and the main enabler for CAT I operations in the full PBN environment foreseen by the PBN regulation by 2030. “declared Fiammetta Diani, GSA Head of Market Development department.
The Air Navigation Service Providers which have signed an EGNOS Working Agreement during 2018 have been: ferroNATS (Spain), Hemavan Tarnaby Airport (Sweden), Mielec Airport (Poland), EANS (Estonia), Skövde Flyplats AB (Sweden), Arvidsjaur Flyplats AB (Sweden), Härjedalen Kommun (Sweden), Isavia (Iceland), SMATSA Serbia (Serbia) and SMATSA Montenegro (Montenegro), making a total of 68 EWAs signed across Europe so far at the end of 2018.
If we analyze the geographical areas, we can see than 40% of the signatories Air Navigation Service Providers’ in 2018 come from Sweden and it is foreseen that this number will grow during 2019. This means a high number of EGNOS based operations implemented along this country.
The achievements reached during 2018 are the signature with SMATSA for both Serbia and Montenegro which are the first EWAs signed with Non-EU States in the Western Balkans region and the signature of the EWA with Isavia, being the first EWA signed in Iceland. In order to make it possible, the participation of the European Commission, the GSA, the EASA and the corresponding National Civil Aviation Authorities is crucial.
“EGNOS is a never ending success, as ESSP keeps signing working agreements with Air Navigation Service Providers.” confirmed Thierry Racaud, CEO of ESSP.
The first EWAs of 2019 have already been signed with ORO Navigacija (Lithuania), the main Air Navigation Service Provider in Lithuania, and with Arendal Airport, Gullknapp AS (Norway). It is expected that the number of EWAs will continue increasing, especially in Sweden and Hungary during the current year.